What is the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program?

The Microsoft Partner Network is packing its suitcase and waving a fond farewell. Well, not exactly.

Stephen Reilly
7 MIN|August 25, 2023
Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program

Microsoft recently renamed their partner ecosystem, changing the partner network to the Microsoft Cloud Partner Program. And now they’ve made another slight change to the department. Its new official name is the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program. And with it, they’ve also made some changes to the value they provide their B2B technology partners. From the name change, we can see that Microsoft is “all in” on artificial intelligence.

Along with AI, there is also more of a focus on cloud services and solutions, marking the indisputable shift towards cloud computing in technology services. Let’s take a look at what that means for partners and their customers.

Microsoft Cloud Partner Program playbook thumbnail with 2 women conversing in an office on the right half.

What is the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program

Joining the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program not only offers you a front-row seat to the latest in cloud technology but also provides a roadmap for navigating the vast cloud landscape. The program equips you with the tools and resources you need to excel in cloud computing marketing.

The Microsoft cloud is a multifaceted entity, encompassing services from Azure to Dynamics 365 and beyond, with AI being a top priority. Joining the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program not only offers you a front-row seat to the latest in cloud and AI technology but also provides a roadmap for navigating the vast cloud landscape. The program equips you with the tools and resources you need to excel in cloud computing marketing. It's not just about understanding the cloud; it's about having a deep-rooted knowledge of Microsoft's cloud offerings, including their AI capabilities, and the specific challenges and opportunities they present

By joining the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program, you gain access to:

  • Exclusive training and certifications in cloud technologies
  • Co-selling opportunities with Microsoft
  • Marketing resources to help promote your cloud solutions
  • Technical support and guidance from Microsoft experts
  • Access to the latest cloud technology updates and innovations
  • Networking and collaboration opportunities
  • Recognition and rewards for your cloud expertise

Benefits of the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program

The Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program is more rewards and incentives focused than its predecessor, designed to better support partners in their cloud journey. Benefits of the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program include the following.

AI Leadership and Innovation

Partners gain access to cutting-edge AI technologies and solutions. Microsoft's commitment to AI leadership ensures that partners are equipped with the latest tools, resources, and knowledge to integrate AI into their offerings. This positions partners at the forefront of AI innovation, enabling them to deliver transformative solutions to their customers and stay ahead of the competition.

Cloud Incentives

Partners can earn a commission for selling eligible Microsoft cloud solutions, such as Azure, Microsoft 365, and Dynamics 365. This can be in the form of rebates or discounts, providing financial benefits to partners. Explore partner incentives. Explore partner incentives.

Advanced Specializations

Partners who achieve certain advanced specializations in specific cloud technologies, such as Azure AI or Microsoft 365 Security, gain recognition and differentiation in the market. These specializations help attract more customers.

Co-Marketing Opportunities

Partners can participate in joint marketing campaigns with Microsoft, gaining access to the company's extensive marketing resources and channels. This can include co-branded content, case studies, webinars, and events. See the latest partner announcements.

Technical Enablement Funds

Partners may receive technical enablement funds from Microsoft, which can be used to enhance their technical skills and capabilities. These funds can be used for training, certifications, or acquiring necessary tools and resources. See more about what training Microsoft can provide you.

Cloud Accelerator Program

Partners who meet specific performance and competency criteria can be invited to join the Cloud Accelerate Program. This program provides additional benefits, including access to Microsoft's top customers, executive engagement, and joint business planning. Empower your customers.

Partner of the Year Awards

Microsoft recognizes outstanding partners through its Partner of the Year Awards. These awards celebrate partners who have demonstrated exceptional innovation, customer impact, and business growth. Winning an award can significantly enhance a partner's reputation. See more here.

Azure Marketplace Benefits

Partners who offer their solutions through the Azure Marketplace can access additional benefits, such as marketing support, co-selling opportunities, and technical enablement. Get an overview of Azure Marketplace.

Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Benefits

Partners who are enrolled in the Microsoft CSP program receive a range of benefits, including access to Microsoft cloud services at discounted rates, flexible billing options, and the ability to bundle their own services with Microsoft offerings. See more about Microsoft’s Cloud Solution Provider program.


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Differences between the Microsoft Partner Network and the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program

It’s not just the name that’s changed. The Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program is an upgrade from the Microsoft Partner Network, with a renewed focus on cloud services and solutions with AI built into everything. While the Microsoft Partner Network provided a broader range of benefits across various Microsoft technologies, the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program hones in specifically on cloud capabilities and artificial intelligence.

One of the key differences between the Microsoft Partner Network and the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program is the cloud incentives. The Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program offers partners the opportunity to earn commissions for selling eligible Microsoft cloud solutions, such as Azure, Microsoft 365, and Dynamics 365. This allows partners to not only provide valuable cloud solutions to their customers but also reap financial benefits in the process.

Other differences include:

  • The Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program provides exclusive training and certifications in cloud technologies, whereas the Microsoft Partner Network offers a broader range of training.
  • The Partner Program offers co-selling opportunities with Microsoft, allowing partners to collaborate and sell cloud solutions together. The Microsoft Partner Network focused more on individual partner sales.
  • The Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program provides marketing resources specifically tailored for promoting cloud solutions.
  • The Partner Program offers technical support and guidance from Microsoft experts specifically for cloud technologies.
  • The Partner Program provides access to the latest cloud technology updates and innovations, keeping partners informed about the rapidly evolving cloud landscape.
  • The Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program emphasizes networking and collaboration opportunities within the cloud community, allowing partners to connect and learn from each other.
  • The Partner Program offers recognition and rewards specifically for cloud expertise, whereas the Microsoft Partner Network recognises partners for their expertise across various Microsoft technologies.

How to join the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program

Becoming a Microsoft Cloud Partner is a straightforward process. Here's how to join the program and become a Microsoft Cloud Partner:

  • Visit their partner website and click on “Become a partner”.
  • Select how you’d like to become a partner with Microsoft.
  • Create a work account or sign in as a new member.
  • Choose the membership level that best suits your needs.
  • Embrace Cloud Nine with the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program


Microsoft partners have access to the latest tech to stand out. Here's the tool we created with Microsoft for the partners.


The Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program is all about embracing the power of the cloud. And with more businesses moving skywards, the program is becoming an important part of Microsoft partner’s business arsenal.

Around 60% of business IT estates are predicted to be cloud-based by 2025.

What does this mean for Microsoft partners? Well, for those wishing to tap into the growing demand for cloud solutions, the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program presents a good opportunity. It offers great incentives for selling eligible Microsoft cloud solutions, advanced specializations for market differentiation, technical enablement funds, and much more.

With this program, Microsoft partners can better pivot towards the cloud and AI, and position themselves for success in the digital era.

Fifty-Five and Five can help

Our journey began with a singular focus: to serve Microsoft partners exclusively. This wasn't just a business decision; it was a commitment to deeply understand and cater to the specific needs and aspirations of businesses within the Microsoft ecosystem. Over the years, we've not only familiarized ourselves with the Microsoft landscape but have become an integral part of it. We pride ourselves on our ability to grasp its intricacies and the unique challenges our fellow Microsoft partners face.

Expertise in Microsoft B2B technology: Our specialization focused on Microsoft's suite of solutions and services. We understand the unique challenges and aspirations of businesses within the Microsoft ecosystem. With this expertise, we craft impactful strategies that resonate deeply with the Microsoft partner community.

Mastery of the Microsoft cloud landscape: The Microsoft cloud is a multifaceted entity, encompassing services from Azure to Dynamics 365 and beyond. We have in-depth knowledge of Microsoft's cloud offerings and the challenges they present. We ensure that your marketing strategies are tailored to the nuances of the Microsoft cloud to address its specific needs and unique opportunities.

Aligned with Microsoft's vision: As a marketing agency tailored for Microsoft partners, we align strategies with Microsoft's vision and goals. This ensures your marketing efforts are in sync with Microsoft's broader objectives, leading to better collaboration and results.

Proven success stories: Over the years, Fifty-Five and Five has worked with numerous Microsoft partners, helping them amplify their reach, enhance their brand visibility, and drive tangible business results. Their success stories stand testament to their expertise and commitment.

If you're a Microsoft partner looking to elevate your cloud content marketing strategy, Fifty Five and Five is the best choice.

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If you're a Microsoft partner looking to elevate your cloud content marketing strategy, Fifty Five and Five is the best choice. Our expertise, deep understanding of the cloud landscape, alignment with Microsoft's vision, and proven success stories make us the ideal partner to help you achieve your marketing goals.