How we’re using AI in marketing to drive our clients’ growth

AI in marketing can transform vast and complex data into actionable strategies. Here’s how you can leverage AI in your marketing – with real cases.

Emily Fitzgerald
12 MIN|August 8, 2023
Simple outline of a web page with organge button and star icons around it. Black background with orange right border.

The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing has become undeniable. The rise of artificial intelligence marketing is not just a fad—it's a revolutionary approach that's reshaping the very fabric of marketing strategies worldwide. So much so that 88% of marketers believe that increasing its use is needed to meet customer expectations and stay competitive.

With AI-powered tools and techniques, marketers now have a powerful ally in understanding and reaching their audience like never before.

Understanding the power of AI in marketing

GPT-3 machine that takes in letters and produces legible words and sentence.

Artificial intelligence, once the stuff of science fiction, has now permeated various sectors, and marketing is no exception. But what exactly is the power of AI in marketing? At its core, AI offers unparalleled insights derived from data. Through advanced algorithms and machine learning, AI deciphers patterns and behaviours that would be impossible for humans to analyse manually. These insights allow for hyper-targeted marketing campaigns, optimised content, and a more personalised user experience. The power of AI in marketing lies in its ability to transform vast and complex data into actionable strategies.

8 key applications of AI in marketing

1. AI-driven marketing strategies: Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all marketing campaigns. With AI, marketers can tailor strategies to individual user behaviours and preferences. AI analyses user data to suggest content, products, or services that are most relevant to them, ensuring higher engagement and conversion rates.

2. Personalisation with AI: One of the most significant advantages of AI in marketing is the ability to offer personalised experiences. Whether it's through AI-driven product recommendations on e-commerce sites or tailored email campaigns, personalisation ensures that users feel valued and understood. According to a survey, 88% of marketers say that AI has helped them personalise the customer journey across many channels.

3. AI-powered advertising: Advertising has undergone a radical transformation with the advent of AI. Platforms now use AI to target ads based on user behaviour, ensuring higher ROI. Real-time bidding, optimised ad placements, and predictive analytics in marketing are now all powered by AI, maximising the efficiency of ad campaigns.

4. AI in email marketing: Email campaigns benefit greatly from AI's ability to segment audiences and personalise content. Predictive analytics help determine the best times to send emails, while AI-driven content optimisation ensures higher open and click-through rates.

5. Chatbots in marketing: These AI-powered virtual assistants are revolutionising customer service. Available 24/7, chatbots can handle queries, guide users, and even assist in sales, enhancing the overall customer experience.

6. Predictive analytics in marketing: By analysing past behaviours and trends, AI can predict future outcomes. This allows businesses to be proactive, making informed decisions before a trend fully manifests.

7. Content optimisation using AI: From SEO to content recommendations, AI tools ensure that content reaches the right audience and ranks higher in search engine results.

8. Machine learning in marketing: A subset of AI, machine learning allows systems to learn and improve from experience. In marketing, this means better audience targeting, optimised ad spending, and continuous refinement of strategies based on real-time feedback.

How AI is transforming marketing

AI isn't just another tool in a marketer's toolkit—it's a transformative force. Through AI for customer segmentation, businesses can create detailed profiles of their customers, ensuring that marketing efforts are laser-focused. The rise of AI marketing tools, from automated content creators to advanced analytics platforms, means that marketers can now operate with a level of precision previously thought impossible. And with emerging AI marketing trends, such as voice search optimisation and visual recognition advertising, the marketing landscape is continuously evolving.

Case study: revolutionising social media strategy with generative AI 

One of the world's leading multinational corporations approached us with a challenge. Despite their massive global presence, they found themselves spending huge amounts of time and resources on social media content creation and curation. They needed a solution that could not only expedite the content creation process but also ensure the content reflected their distinct brand guidelines and tone of voice.

The challenge

  1. Efficiently creating engaging social media content at scale.
  2. Ensuring content adheres strictly to brand guidelines and maintains a consistent tone of voice.
  3. Reducing the manual hours dedicated to content curation and creation.

Our solution

Recognising the potential of generative AI, we proposed the development of a bespoke social media tool tailored to the client's unique needs. This tool would leverage advanced AI algorithms to generate social media posts that were both engaging and in line with the client's brand identity.

Key features

Generative AI engine: at the heart of the tool is a sophisticated AI engine trained on the client's past social media posts, marketing materials, and brand guidelines. This ensured that generated content was always on-brand and consistent in tone.

Content optimisation: the tool analyses engagement metrics in real-time, refining its content suggestions for maximum impact.

Brand adherence check: an in-built verification system ensures every generated post adheres to set brand guidelines before publishing.

Time-saving automation: with automated content generation, the client could schedule weeks of content in advance, drastically reducing manual input.



The tool reduced the time spent on social media creation and curation by over 60%.


Initial reports show a 25% increase in engagement rates on posts generated by the tool, compared to manually curated posts.


Every post generated adhered to the client's strict brand guidelines and maintained a consistent TOV.

Cost savings

By streamlining the content creation process, the client reported significant savings in terms of man-hours and associated costs.

Client feedback

While the client's name remains confidential, their feedback speaks volumes. They lauded the tool's efficiency, the consistency of the generated content, and the tangible benefits they observed in engagement and cost savings. The tool has since become an integral part of their social media strategy.

This project stands as a testament to the power of generative AI in revolutionising social media strategies. By understanding and addressing the unique challenges of our client, we delivered a solution that not only met but exceeded their expectations, setting a new benchmark in AI-driven content creation.

4 types of marketing AI

While AI's applications in marketing are vast, they can be broadly categorised into four types:

1. Data analysis: this includes algorithms that analyse customer data, helping businesses understand their audience's preferences, behaviours, and needs.

2. Automation: tools that automate repetitive tasks, such as email campaigns or social media posts, fall under this category.

3. Personalisation: AI systems that tailor content, products, or services to individual users based on their behaviour and preferences.

4. Engagement: this encompasses AI tools like chatbots that interact with users, enhancing engagement and customer service.

AI's role in digital marketing

Digital marketing, with its reliance on real-time data and online interactions, is a natural fit for AI. Search engine optimisation (SEO), pay-per-click advertising, and social media marketing are all being enhanced by AI's capabilities. For instance, algorithms can now predict which type of content will perform best on specific platforms, ensuring higher engagement rates. With AI's integration into various digital marketing channels, businesses can craft more effective and efficient strategies.

AI in sales and content marketing

The synergy between AI and sales is evident in the rise of predictive sales analytics, which forecasts potential sales trends, allowing businesses to be proactive. Additionally, AI's impact on content marketing is profound. Content creation, distribution, and optimisation are all enhanced by AI, ensuring that content not only reaches its intended audience but also resonates with them. In fact, 44.4% of marketers have used AI for content production, and adoption will only increase.

Fifty Five and Five's own ChatGPT AI tool.

ChatGPT4 tool by Fifty Five and Five

AI: the future of marketing

Why is AI considered the future of marketing? Simply put, its capabilities are unmatched. From automating mundane tasks to predicting future trends, AI is an indispensable asset for modern marketers. AI's impact on marketing is expected to grow even further. With advancements in machine learning, neural networks, and natural language processing, the potential applications of AI in marketing are limitless.


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Profound benefits

As we've explored, the benefits of integrating AI into marketing strategies are profound. From personalised user experiences to optimised ad campaigns, AI is not only enhancing the world of marketing but also redefining it. As we move forward, embracing and integrating AI-driven strategies will be crucial for businesses aiming for success in the digital age.

The transformative power of artificial intelligence marketing cannot be understated. In an era where consumers are bombarded with endless content, AI provides the precision, personalisation, and efficiency that brands need to stand out and truly connect with their audience.

The transformative impact on marketing automation

Automation is hardly a new concept in marketing. However, with AI at the helm, its capabilities have reached new heights. AI-driven marketing strategies now encompass a range of tasks from scheduling social media posts at optimal times to automating entire email campaigns based on user behaviour. AI's role doesn't stop at mere automation; it continually learns and refines its approach, ensuring that automated marketing efforts are increasingly effective.

Enhancing customer experiences

Personalisation with AI is at the forefront of creating memorable customer experiences. Imagine visiting an online store that knows your preferences, suggests products you'd love, and assists you through a chatbot whenever you have queries. This isn't a vision of the distant future; it's happening now. Chatbots in marketing and AI-driven product recommendations are elevating the e-commerce experience, leading to increased loyalty and sales.

A new age of advertising with AI

Traditional advertising methods relied heavily on broad demographics and educated guesses. Today, AI-powered advertising has changed the game. Ad placements, content, and even the design are now optimised using AI, ensuring that every advertising dollar is spent efficiently. With the capability of predictive analytics in marketing, businesses can forecast which ads will resonate most with their target audience, allowing for real-time adjustments and unparalleled ROI.

Google Performance Max logo on a white background.

The role of AI in content creation and distribution

Content remains king in the digital age, but AI is undoubtedly its queen. Content optimisation using AI ensures that the created content reaches the right audience and achieves its intended impact. From SEO optimisation to content recommendations on platforms like YouTube or Netflix, AI ensures that audiences find the content most relevant to them. Moreover, with tools like ChatGPT-4, AI is venturing into content creation, aiding marketers in crafting compelling narratives.

The synergy between AI and digital marketing

Digital marketing, in essence, revolves around data - understanding it, analysing it, and acting upon it. Here, AI shines the brightest. Whether it's AI in email marketing to optimise campaigns or machine learning in marketing to refine strategies continually, AI's capabilities align perfectly with the digital realm's demands. Every click, view, and interaction is a piece of data, and AI ensures that no insight goes unnoticed.

Preparing for the future

As we gaze into the future, one thing is clear: AI's role in marketing will only grow. Innovations in machine learning in marketing and advancements in neural networks promise even more refined and personalised marketing strategies. Voice search optimisation, visual recognition advertising, and real-time content personalisation are just a few of the AI marketing trends we can expect to dominate in the coming years. The message for marketers is clear: adapt and evolve with AI or risk being left behind.


Not sure how to make AI work for your marketing?  We can help.

Chatbots: the frontline of AI in marketing

While chatbots in marketing have been mentioned, their transformative power deserves a deeper dive. Modern chatbots, powered by sophisticated AI algorithms, are capable of handling complex queries, guiding users through purchase decisions, and even upselling products or services. They can engage in human-like conversations, understand context, and provide instant responses, enhancing customer experience and freeing up human resources for more intricate tasks.

AI and the evolution of content marketing

Content marketing strategies are undergoing a seismic shift with the advent of AI. Content optimisation using AI is not just about SEO anymore. It's about crafting content that resonates. AI tools analyse user engagement, determine which content types are most effective, and even suggest topics that are currently trending or are predicted to trend in the near future. Moreover, with AI-driven content creation tools, producing high-quality, relevant content at scale becomes feasible.

The integration of AI in email marketing

While email might seem like one of the older tools in a marketer's arsenal, its evolution, thanks to AI, is nothing short of revolutionary. AI in email marketing goes beyond just sending out automated emails. It's about understanding the best times to reach out, crafting personalised content for each recipient, and predicting which users are most likely to convert. By analysing open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, AI can continuously refine email campaigns, ensuring they remain effective and engaging.


Fifty Five and Five's generative AI platform for social post generator.

Fifty Five and Five's social media post generator

The future landscape: new AI marketing trends on the horizon

The marketing landscape is witnessing the rise of new AI-powered trends. Voice search optimisation will become crucial as smart assistants like Alexa and Siri become household staples. Real-time content personalisation, where website content changes based on the viewer's preferences and history, will redefine user experiences. Additionally, visual recognition advertising, where ads are targeted based on the images users view or share, promises to open new frontiers in targeted advertising.

AI and marketing a match made in...

From crafting personalised experiences to predicting future trends, AI stands as the beacon for modern marketing.
As we embrace the future, one thing remains certain: in the world of marketing, AI is not just a tool or trend—it's the future. And for businesses aiming to thrive in this digital age, understanding and harnessing the power of artificial intelligence marketing will be the key to success.

Delving deeper into AI-powered personalisation

One of the most profound impacts of AI in the marketing realm is its ability to craft deeply personalised experiences. Personalisation with AI is no longer just about addressing the consumer by their first name in an email. It’s about curating experiences tailored to individual preferences, browsing habits, and purchasing history. For instance, streaming services like Netflix or Spotify use AI algorithms to suggest shows, movies, or music, ensuring users always have something they'd love to watch or listen to. This level of personalisation increases user engagement, reduces churn, and fosters brand loyalty.

The ethical considerations of AI in marketing

As AI's role in marketing becomes more pronounced, ethical considerations come to the forefront. Data privacy, transparency in AI-driven decisions, and the potential for bias in AI algorithms are issues that marketers must address. Ensuring that AI is used responsibly and ethically will be paramount for maintaining trust and fostering genuine connections with consumers.

The great paradigm shift

The fusion of AI and marketing represents a paradigm shift in how businesses connect with consumers. From crafting deeply personalised experiences to predicting future trends, AI stands as a transformative force in the world of marketing.

With a PwC report estimating that AI will contribute $16 trillion to the global economy by 2030, all industries will need to embrace AI. As we move forward, the challenge will be to harness this power responsibly, ensuring that the human touch remains at the heart of all AI-driven strategies. The future of marketing is not just about technology; it's about the harmonious blend of technology and human insight.

Partner with Fifty Five and Five

At Fifty Five and Five, we recognise the transformative power of AI in reshaping the marketing landscape. As you embark on your AI journey, here's how we stand by your side:

Deep expertise: Our team boasts a rich history in both digital marketing and emerging technologies. We're not just observers; we're active participants in the AI revolution, ensuring our clients benefit from the latest insights and techniques.

Tailored solutions: We believe in the unique potential of every business. We craft and build AI-driven applications that align with your specific marketing goals and target audience.

Empowerment: Beyond solutions, we're passionate about knowledge transfer. We equip our clients with the understanding they need to navigate the AI landscape confidently.

Ethical AI: In an era where data privacy is paramount, we champion transparency and ethical AI practices. Our commitment is to deliver solutions that are effective, ethical, and trustworthy.

Future-ready: With our finger on the pulse of AI's evolution, we ensure your strategies are not just relevant today but future-proofed for tomorrow's challenges.

Contact us today and let’s chat about how we can help you to drive your business growth.

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