Enter the Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards 2024

Winning the Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards can make your organisation stand out from competitors. Let’s look at the many benefits of winning these awards and how Fifty Five and Five can help you achieve this.

Pranita Tamang
3 MIN|November 30, 2023
Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards.

Part of our job, as a full-service agency, is to help Microsoft Partners like you create outstanding awards submissions for the Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards. In this blog, we’ll discuss the purpose of these awards and highlight the benefits of submitting your organisation for an award.

Why the Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards?

By participating in the Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards, your organisation can showcase its capabilities, differentiate itself from competitors, and gain recognition from Microsoft and the industry.

Being a Microsoft Award winner can also lead to the following benefits:

Win more deals

One of the most compelling reasons to aim for a Microsoft Partner of the Year Award is the undeniable commercial advantage it brings. Your organisation being recognised as a leader in the tech industry isn’t just a badge of honour, it’s a powerful tool in your business arsenal. This recognition significantly boosts your ability to win better deals and is amplified by Microsoft’s promotion of your achievements through various channels. In a competitive market, the recognition as a Microsoft award winner sets you apart.

A strategic advantage

Winning a Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards places you on Microsoft’s radar, opening doors to new opportunities. It can lead to increased support from the tech giant, including access to their Marketing Development Funds (MDF), and an invitation to the award show at Microsoft Inspire. Here, you can network with other winners, finalists, and Microsoft executives, creating strategic relationships that will propel your business forward.

Building trust and credibility

When customers see that you’re a Microsoft award-winning partner, it builds an immediate sense of trust and reliability. This accolade, symbolised by the Microsoft Partner of the Year logo and trophy, can be a pivotal factor in a customer’s decision-making process. It’s a testament to your expertise and commitment to excellence, enhancing your appeal to prospects.

Boosting internal glory

Let’s not forget the internal impact of such an achievement. Winning a Microsoft Partner of the Year Award is a morale boost for your team. It’s a recognition of their hard work, talent, and dedication. This sense of pride and accomplishment isn’t just about feeling good, it translates into higher productivity and a stronger team spirit. It positions your organisation as a desirable place to work, attracting top talent in the industry who want to be part of an award-winning team.

How to write a winning Microsoft Award submission

Okay, so you know why it’s good, but how do you write a submission that can impress the judges and make you stand out?

Writing a submission for these awards is not a quick and easy task. It requires a lot of time, effort, and expertise. You need to follow the official guidelines and rules, which include:

  • Choosing the right category and region for your submission: There are over 100 categories and regions to choose from, each with its own criteria and requirements.
  • Writing a compelling and concise story: Showcase your achievements, impact, and differentiation. You need to answer four questions in your submission; What did you do? How did you do it? What were the results? Why are you different?
  • Providing evidence and data to support your claims: You need to include metrics, testimonials, case studies, and other relevant information that can demonstrate your success and value.
  • Meeting the deadlines for each category and region: Deadlines for 2024 submission will be accepted until 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time (PT), on April 3, 2024.

Writing a submission that can meet these requirements can be daunting. That’s why you should consider help from an experienced agency who can help you with your award entry.

Fifty Five and Five create award-winning applications

Fifty Five and Five are a full-service agency that specialises in the B2B tech industry and the Microsoft ecosystem, and we have been working with Microsoft and Microsoft partners for a decade. We know everything there is to know about writing an excellent submission for the Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards.

What we do for you:

  • Consulting and advising on the best category and region for your submission.
  • Researching and analysing your organisation, your competitors, and your market.
  • Writing and editing your executive summary, ensuring it’s clear, concise, and compelling.
  • Proofreading and formatting your executive summary so it’s ready for submission, ensuring it meets the official guidelines and rules.

We have a proven track record of helping our clients win or become finalists in the Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards. Recently, we spoke to previous Microsoft Partner of the Year Award winner, and past client of Fifty Five and Five, Modality Systems (now Nasstar) about the benefit and the importance of outsourcing to the right agency:

“Outsourcing to an agency can prove really helpful, providing you go with experts who understand Microsoft, the award process, and have been there and done it all before.”

Your marketing partner

It's not just award submissions we excel at. Our expertise ranges across marketing services from content to web development, and social media to SEO - to cover your complete marketing activities.  And if that's not enough, we are 1 of 6 marketing agencies recommended by Microsoft.


Take a look at our services and see where your marketing can use the Fifty Five and Five touch.