Crafting the value proposition for Google's Android Enterprise Essentials



Project Type


4 weeks



Company Information

Google is a global technology leader focused on improving the ways people connect with information. Through its innovative products and services, including Android Enterprise Essentials, Google continues to shape the future of digital engagement for businesses and consumers alike.


Google introduced Android Enterprise Essentials, a mobile device management service, with the aim of helping SMBs with an efficient and affordable way to manage and protect their devices. A critical need emerged to articulate its value clearly and persuasively to its partners in the SMB space. The challenge lay in developing a value proposition that resonated with the partner network, informing future GTM strategies and enabling consistent content asset creation for Chrome’s partner network.

Google’s goal for this value proposition project was to increase the Android partner audience, get partners excited about the Essentials opportunity and actively prioritise marketing and selling it to their customers, and increase the use of Android devices among SMBs

Value proposition assets for Google Android Enterprise Essentials campaign.
Value proposition assets for Google's Android Enterprise Essentials


After years of working in the Microsoft Partner Network, we have plenty of experience in and understanding of the SMB technology landscape. We crafted a value proposition to capture the essence and benefits of Android Enterprise Essentials in a succinct and compelling way. We also created messaging that could be easily communicated across various platforms and audiences. Through an in-depth analysis of Android Enterprise Essentials, we identified its unique features that set it apart from competitors.

To ensure the value proposition resonated with the client and their end users, we engaged in workshops and brainstorming sessions with stakeholders. Furthermore, we divided the audience into three segments: managed services providers, handset/contract sellers, and traditional IT services. For each segment, we developed audience personas, mapped current scenarios, and tailored the unique selling proposition and marketing voice accordingly.

Value proposition for Google's Android Enterprise Essentials.
Extracts from google's value proposition for android enterprise essentials


The value proposition for Android Enterprise Essentials was aimed at clearly articulating how the product enhanced both security and ease of management, making it an ideal solution for SMBs. Google partners selling Android Essentials gained a better understanding of the product's wide-ranging benefits, which enabled them to tailor their communication and focus their marketing efforts more precisely.

This strategic alignment led to more impactful GTM strategies, with partners identifying key industries for targeted campaigns. By providing them with a suite of well-crafted, informative, and persuasive marketing messaging, we equipped partners with the necessary tools to confidently engage and convince their target markets of the value Android Enterprise Essentials could bring to their businesses.

New value prop


Development of a robust value proposition for Android Enterprise Essentials that resonated with their audience.

Targeted assets


Creation of messaging based on the value prop and able to support partner network engagement.

More engagement


Enhanced marketing effectiveness among Chrome partners and improved GTM strategies for future product offerings.

Fifty Five and Five's expertise in crafting a clear value proposition and comprehensive content assets has been instrumental in aligning our partner network's marketing strategies with our GTM goals.

Zoe Smith, Google Android Team, EMEA

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