AI trends for 2024 your B2B business needs to know

The AI tech industry continues to boom but what does the future look like? And what are the 7 AI trends that you should look out for in 2024? Read the blog to maintain a competitive edge.

William Sale
7 MIN|April 2, 2024
7 AI trends for 2024.

With every passing moment, artificial intelligence (AI) evolves more. Numerous tools get created, and processes change. But where does the future lead, and what AI trends in 2024 should your B2B business look out for?

Here are the critical AI trends that B2B businesses must be aware of to navigate the future effectively and maintain a competitive edge.

1. AI-enhanced account-based marketing (ABM)

AI’s integration into ABM strategies is transforming how B2B marketers target key accounts, leading to more efficient and effective ABM campaigns. Here’s how:

  • Target identification: AI algorithms excel at sifting through complex data to pinpoint accounts with the highest potential ROI. This is achieved by analysing engagement history, industry trends, and predictive behaviours to ensure that marketing efforts are concentrated where they can yield the best results.
  • Personalise messaging: The core of ABM’s success. AI, however, takes this to a new level. Leveraging advancements in natural language processing (NLP), AI customises communications to meet the nuanced needs of each target account. This can range from tailored email campaigns to personalised content. This makes every interaction highly relevant and engaging.
  • Predict behaviour: AI’s predictive capabilities allow marketers to anticipate account movements, identifying the optimal times for engagement. This proactivity enables B2B businesses to reach out to potential clients when they’re most receptive, thus enhancing the efficacy of ABM strategies.


Explore these 5 next-gen AI tools to elevate your marketing, including the creation, management and conversion of your ABM campaigns.

2. Predictive lead scoring with AI

Predictive analytics is a cornerstone of B2B lead generation and nurturing strategies. When utilised with AI, it becomes a game-changer. Throughout 2024, this AI trend will help B2B marketers achieve:

  • Accurate lead scoring: Predictive analytics processes vast amounts of data to score leads with incredible accuracy. AI algorithms consider various factors, including past interactions, engagement levels, and demographic information, to evaluate the potential value of each lead. This results in a more nuanced understanding of which leads are most likely to convert.
  • Prioritise follow-up activities: Beyond scoring, predictive analytics enables marketers to intelligently prioritise their follow-up activities. By understanding which leads are warming up and which are cooling down, sales teams can time their outreach for maximum impact.
  • Forecast future buying behaviours: Lastly, this forward-looking insight allows B2B marketers to anticipate the needs and interests of their prospects, tailoring their messaging and offerings to meet these expectations.

3. AI content personalisation at scale

AI is enabling B2B marketers to deliver highly personalised content to prospects and customers across various touchpoints. This uniquely tailored approach to generating interest and conversion will lead to:

  • Make deeper analysis for tailored content: AI understands the nuances of each user’s behaviour and history. This will help B2B marketers craft winning content that speaks directly to the individual concerns and interests of their audience.
  • Real-time customisation: One of the most impressive aspects of AI in content personalisation is its ability to adjust content in real-time. Whether it’s a personalised email, a customised website experience, or targeted social media messages, AI ensures content is relevant and engaging for the recipient.
  • Enhance marketing communications: The ultimate goal of content personalisation at scale is to make marketing communications more effective. Delivering content that resonates on a personal level, B2B marketers can see higher engagement rates, improved lead generation, and increased customer loyalty.


Speaking of content, here’s the ultimate guidebook to help you create the most effective B2B content marketing strategies for your awesome business.

4. Conversational AI for lead engagement

Conversational AI, through chatbots and virtual assistants, is streamlining lead engagement in the B2B sector. In 2024, this AI trend will get bigger and deliver:

  • Autonomous lead qualification: Conversational AI excels in its ability to autonomously qualify leads, a traditionally time-consuming task. Engaging prospects in initial conversations, AI chatbots and virtual assistants gather crucial information about a lead’s needs, budget, and purchase timeline. This helps identify the most promising leads for sales teams to pursue.
  • Instant query resolution: Whether it’s questions about product features, pricing, or support, chatbots can deliver accurate information 24/7, ensuring that potential clients remain engaged and satisfied with the interaction. This availability significantly enhances the customer experience and can accelerate the buying journey.
  • Efficient meeting scheduling: Getting meetings in place with prospects is often fraught with back-and-forth emails and potential for miscommunication. Conversational AI streamlines this process by autonomously coordinating schedules and setting up meetings, minimising the friction for prospects.

AI-generated person for conversational AI.

5. AI-driven email marketing optimisation

AI is revolutionising B2B email marketing, driving open rates, better engagement, and increased conversion rates. In 2024, we expect AI trends like this one to play a prominent role in assisting B2B marketers to hit their revenue goals. Here’s how:

  • Optimise send times: AI algorithms analyse recipient behaviour to determine the optimal time for sending emails, ensuring that messages arrive in inboxes at moments when recipients are most likely to engage. This tailored approach moves beyond one-size-fits-all sending schedules, increasing the likelihood of emails being opened.
  • Personalise email content: Beyond timing, AI excels in personalising content for each recipient. Analysing past interactions, preferences, and engagement data, AI can create emails that speak directly to the interests and needs of everyone. This level of personalisation can dramatically enhance the recipient’s experience, making them feel understood and valued.
  • Segment audiences with precision: Perhaps one of the most powerful applications of AI in email marketing is its ability to segment audiences with laser precision. By sifting through behavioural data, AI can identify nuanced segments within a broader audience, allowing marketers to tailor their messaging even further. This segmentation ensures that each campaign is targeted to the most relevant audience, improving conversion rates and ROI.

6. Enhanced B2B customer insights through AI analytics

AI-powered analytics platforms are providing B2B marketers with sharper data that enables better decision making and accurate ROI measurements. Therefore, we can expect to see this AI trend grow bigger in 2024, as B2B organisations use it to:

  • Explore nuanced customer behaviour: AI analytics go beyond traditional data analysis by providing a granular view of customer interactions and preferences. These insights allow marketers to understand the nuances of customer behaviour, identifying patterns and trends that might not be visible on the surface. This deeper understanding is crucial for developing strategies that resonate with target audiences.
  • Uncover market trends: AI-powered analytics platforms analyse vast amounts of data from various sources to identify emerging trends (maybe even AI trends) before they become mainstream. This foresight enables B2B marketers to position their companies as leaders, adapting their strategies to capture market opportunities as they arise.
  • Optimise campaign performance: Through analysing engagement, conversion rates, and other key performance indicators, AI tools provide actionable insights that marketers can use to refine their campaigns. This optimisation process ensures that marketing budgets are invested in the most effective channels and tactics, maximising ROI.
  • Strategic decision-making: Armed with data-driven insights, B2B marketers can make more informed strategic decisions. Whether it’s entering a new market, launching a product, or adjusting pricing strategies, AI analytics provide a solid foundation for these critical decisions, reducing risk and enhancing the potential for success.

7. AI ethics and responsible use in B2B marketing

B2B buyer showing various emotions as they think about AI ethics and responsibility.

Out of all the AI trends in 2024, this is one that will be a topic of conversation for everyone. As AI continues to integrate into B2B marketing strategies, the emphasis on AI ethics and the responsible use of technology will gain even more prominence. Trust in AI is proving to be a mixed bag across industries and audiences. So, B2B companies will be looking to foster a reputation for integrity and responsibility by doing the following:

  • Be transparent: Ethical AI in B2B marketing is centred around creating systems that stakeholders can trust. This level of transparency involves developing AI technologies where decisions can be explained and justified. Such actions are essential for maintaining trust with clients and the wider public.
  • Safeguard privacy and data security: At the heart of ethical AI is the commitment to protecting user privacy and ensuring the security of customer data. B2B marketers are leveraging AI to handle data responsibly. They are employing advanced encryption and secure data processing practices to protect sensitive information. This not only complies with global data protection regulations like GDPR but also strengthens customer trust.
  • Mitigate bias: Another critical aspect of ethical AI is the effort to eliminate bias in AI algorithms, which can lead to unfair or prejudiced outcomes. B2B companies are investing in diverse data sets and algorithm auditing practices to ensure their AI tools make unbiased decisions, promoting fairness and inclusivity.

A partner riding the trends

For B2B businesses in 2024, the integration of AI into operations is not just about technological upgrade—it’s about redefining business models, enhancing customer value, and securing a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving market. By embracing these AI trends, you can unlock new efficiencies, foster stronger relationships, and drive innovation in your offerings.

At Fifty Five and Five, we not only want to stay ahead of AI trends but shape them too. Take Compass, our AI-powered SaaS app. It represents the digital marketing agency of the future. Try out the beta version and get early access here.

If you’d like our experts to help you reach your marketing goals in 2024, then get in touch.

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