5 ways AI technology enhanced the Paris Olympics 2024

Discover insights from the Paris Olympics 2024, where AI enhanced experiences, security, and sustainability. Learn how you can adopt these innovations to elevate your B2B marketing strategies.

Pranita Tamang
5 MIN|August 16, 2024
Olympic runner being analysed by AI technology, showing key points in his body.

The Olympics has finished once again. For 19 days, the best of the best from around the world defied the laws of physics, pushed themselves beyond their limits and much more to make history.

But this year’s 2024 Paris Olympics was even more special. Why? Because the integration of AI technology in many areas of the event far exceeded previous Olympics. When it comes to the future of AI in sports, the Paris Olympics showcased how innovative AI technologies are revolutionising the way we experience these events; from the viewers’ perspectives to participant performances and analytical insights.

This showed the potential of AI far exceeds applications in just tech, analytics or business processes. So, let’s look at the 5 ways AI made the 2024 Paris Olympics an event to remember, and how you can use these strategies in your own B2B marketing.

We are determined to exploit the vast potential of AI in a responsible way.

Thomas Bach, IOC President

1. Creating better viewer experiences

AI transformed how fans around the world engaged with the Olympics. Through advanced data analysis and machine learning algorithms, AI personalised content delivery, providing viewers with real-time statistics, highlights, and tailored recommendations based on their preferences.

Let’s look at Alibaba’s Cloud and AI technology. It supported over two-thirds of live broadcast signals, enhancing scalability and flexibility. AI-powered multi-camera replay systems provided immersive viewing experiences by transforming live footage into 3D models for slow-motion replays. Very handy for the track!

Through advanced data analysis and machine learning algorithms, AI tools like Intel’s Automatic Highlights Generation created personalised highlight reels, providing viewers with real-time statistics, and instantly delivering them to their fans. The efficient editing and production process improved event coverage, driving better viewer experiences.

2. Optimising athlete performance and training

Athletes now have access to AI-driven insights in training tools that analyse their performance in real-time, optimising athlete training and enhancing safety. In the form of smart wearables embedded with AI, you can monitor biometric data, such as heart rate and muscle engagement. This provided athletes and coaches with actionable feedback to fine-tune training regimens and boost performance, whilst minimising injury risks.

Olympic runner being analysed by AI technology, showing key points in his body.

For example, Intel’s 3D Athlete Tracking (3DAT) (acquired by ai.io last year) created three-dimensional models of athletes' bodies, allowing coaches to analyse movements and develop data-driven training plans. This AI technology has been applied in various sports, including swimming, where AI tracks and analyses performance metrics like stroke rate and splits, providing precise data to coaches for better training outcomes​.

3. Improving event management and logistics

Managing an event as colossal as the Olympics involves intricate planning and coordination. AI enhanced these processes by predicting logistical needs, optimising schedules, and managing resources more efficiently. AI algorithms anticipated transportation demands, crowd behaviours, and resource allocation, ensuring a seamless experience for participants and spectators. This predictive power helped to minimise delays and maximise resource efficiency.

4. Tracking energy management

At the Paris Olympics 2024, AI technology was employed to monitor and manage energy consumption in real-time through Alibaba Cloud's "Energy Expert" solution. This sophisticated tool used AI and deep-learning algorithms to analyse data from over 100 smart meters placed across 35 competition venues.

By collecting real-time data, including environmental conditions and occupancy rates, Energy Expert provided a detailed view of energy usage. This allowed organisers to track consumption accurately, identify where energy is wasted, and optimise power distribution. The result: reduced unnecessary energy consumption, making the event more efficient and sustainable.

Consumers expect organisations and brands to prioritise sustainability in all practices and campaigns. Using AI to optimise energy consumption, as demonstrated at the Paris Olympics, helps achieve this imperative goal.

5. Boosting surveillance and social media monitoring

For large events such as the Olympics, physical security and online safety are crucial. AI played a huge role in securing both aspects. AI-powered cameras and monitoring systems automatically detected and flagged potential threats, such as crowd surges, weapons, fire, and abandoned objects, relaying alerts to security personnel for quick action. This proactive approach enhanced the safety of attendees and participants by streamlining security operations​.

Fifty Five and Five marketer working on her laptop.

Additionally, the International Olympic Committee employed AI to monitor social media, scanning thousands of accounts to identify and flag abusive messages directed at athletes. “The IOC will use AI at Paris in different areas,” Bach stated. “One is safeguarding, since we expect half a billion social media posts during these Games.” This helped to maintain a supportive digital environment and protect athletes from online abuse.

By integrating AI in surveillance and social media monitoring, the Paris Olympics addressed modern security challenges comprehensively, aligning with consumer expectations for responsible and proactive safety measures.

How to design an AI marketing strategy

The 2024 Olympics incorporated AI seamlessly into multiple aspects of the event from security to judging, and training to analytics. There are many valuable lessons and inspirations we can draw from these innovations and transfer into our own B2B marketing world.

Here's a few strategies to be aware of:

Enhance customer experiences

Just as AI personalised viewer experiences during the Olympics, it can tailor customer interactions in your business. Advanced AI-driven tools can analyse customer behaviour, predict needs, and provide personalised content, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Dynamic persona development: Use AI to continuously analyse customer behaviour and update buyer personas. This ensures that marketing efforts stay relevant and resonate with evolving customer preferences.
  • AI-powered communication: Implement AI chatbots for 24/7 customer service. These chatbots can handle queries, provide instant solutions, and escalate more complex issues to human agents when necessary.
  • Interactive AI-powered experiences: These interactive experiences can be personalised and highly immersive, creating an unforgettable experience that sets you apart from competitors. They include virtual presentations, product demonstrations, and immersive environments that users can interact with actively.


Explore this unique AI-powered experience we created for TCS London Marathon viewers and participants this year.

Personalise content creation

AI technologies can automate the creation of personalised content at scale. Natural Language Generation tools can produce custom reports, emails, and social media posts tailored to individual customers’ interests and behaviours. For example, our AI-powered SaaS tool Compass can generate individual social posts for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram from just one prompt, completely personalised to your target audience.

  • AI-driven campaigns: Create marketing campaigns that adjust in real-time based on customer interactions. For instance, if a customer shows interest in a particular product, the AI system can automatically send relevant case studies or testimonials.
  • Custom visuals: Use AI to generate personalised visual content like banners, ads, and even custom video messages, ensuring that each customer feels uniquely addressed.

Generate deep insights

Use AI to analyse data and derive actionable insights, improving decision-making processes. AI can sift through large datasets to identify patterns, forecast trends, and inform strategic decisions.

  • Sentiment analysis: Apply AI to social listening tools to gauge customer sentiment and brand reputation. This data helps fine-tune marketing messages and strategies.
  • Sales forecasting: Use machine learning models to predict sales trends and optimise your sales funnel, ensuring better resource allocation and targeting.
  • Automated A/B testing: Harness AI to run continuous A/B testing on various marketing elements. AI can quickly identify which versions perform better, enabling rapid iteration and improvement. Insights from this can inform future content for better results.

As we saw at the 2024 Paris Olympics, AI is setting a new standard for the future of global events. More than that, it’s showing everybody that AI has a place in every corner of the world. And it’s getting better and better every day.

Now is the time for B2B marketers across all industries to fully embrace AI technologies in their strategies. Big tech companies are investing heavily in AI and cloud computing, and others will follow. If you don't, you risk falling behind. The world is changing, and we must change with it.

Want to win marketing gold?

Our marketing experts have transformed tech brands through web rebrands, content overhauls, value propositions and more. We’ve recently added AI to this list. Whether it’s developing an AI marketing tool or creating an AI pilot programme to set you up for an AI-ready future, we can do it all. Ready to chat?